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How Midstream Companies Can Profit in Today’s Challenging NGL Market

POSTED BY Mike Scharf ON October 3, 2017 IN Blog, Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization

Over the last few years, the U.S. market for natural gas liquids (NGLs) has undergone significant changes that have introduced complexity and compressed margins for NGL midstream companies. Let’s discuss four of the most significant changes in the market and how NGL midstream companies can maintain healthy margins in this landscape. 1. More shale production …

Major Refiner Optimizes Its Crude-Marketing Operation

POSTED BY capSpire ON September 15, 2017 IN Case Study, Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization

Major Crude-Oil Refiner Optimizes Its Supply Chain, Saving Up To 10 Cents Per Barrel A major U.S. refiner wanted to enhance its crude-marketing operation that covered more than 1,500 leases and 30 stations, and involved the transportation of more than 50,000 barrels of truck volumes each day. capSpire recommended the implementation of its Lease Crude …

The Value of a Managed-Services Partner Post-Launch of CTRM Platforms

POSTED BY Clare Annis ON September 12, 2017 IN Blog, E/CTRM

When implementing or upgrading to a new commodity-trading-and-risk-management (CTRM) platform, many companies understand the value in partnering with a technical consultancy that has the in-depth skill set, knowledge, and experience to get the job done right. But it can be easy to overlook the value of maintaining this partnership once the platform is live. Launching …

Station Nominations Made Easy

POSTED BY capSpire ON August 20, 2017 IN E/CTRM, Optimization, Video

Crude Gathering Station Nominations Made Easy The Monthly Nomination feature enables marketers to easily determine the optimal monthly nomination volume using a proprietary optimization model. The key to maximizing monthly P&L is correctly setting nomination volumes at each receiving station or pipeline. Helps organizations accurately forecast lease volume and understand transportation costs, station quality constraints/penalties, …

LCO Cloud Solution Makes it Simple to Optimize your Network

POSTED BY capSpire ON August 18, 2017 IN Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization, Video

  Learn How capSpire’s Lease Crude Optimization Cloud Solution Makes it Simple to Optimize your Network: The offering includes a secure web-based portal that each energy marketer, scheduler, lease rep and manager has a unique login for. The software enables the modeling of existing supply chains in order to understand the impact on P&L due …

capSpire’s Optimization Platform

POSTED BY capSpire ON July 20, 2017 IN Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization, Video

Learn How capSpire’s Optimization Platform Can Help Your Organization: Make more informed buy and sell decisions Better understand and identify location spreads Maximize the value of your blends Accurately identify time spreads and contango opportunities Easily identify the most profitable supply and demand option Optimize scheduling and logistics across all available transportation methods Better capitalize …

Nominating Lease Volumes for Maximum Profitability

POSTED BY Bernard Wehbe ON July 11, 2017 IN Blog, Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization

As you probably know all too well, each of your station nominations tends to be based on the lease-station combinations that you calculated when you first acquired the lease. Every month, you add new lease volume and subtract relinquished leases. However, as new information becomes available, reassessing each of your leases every month can be …

Win Lease Bids at the Right Price and in Less Time

POSTED BY Bernard Wehbe ON June 14, 2017 IN Blog, Digital Transformation, E/CTRM, Optimization

It’s important that 1st purchasers respond to lease bids with competitive offers to beat out many other buyers. However, it’s even more critical to pinpoint the right price—one that makes sense economically for the purchaser and ensures a wide enough margin considering factors such as the distance from lease to station, transport fees, station fees, …


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