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capSpire Lands on Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces List for the Second Consecutive Year

POSTED BY Dana Schlagenhaft ON May 6, 2020 IN Blog

v capSpire’s dynamic, healthy company culture starts with investments in our people – both professionally and personally. We’re excited to announce our efforts have landed us on Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces list for the second consecutive year!  Inc. Magazine ranks companies that have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and excellent benefits. …

Resilience Through Digital Transformation by William Decker

POSTED BY capSpire ON May 4, 2020 IN Analytics, Blog

To say that COVID-19 has changed the world is an understatement. Sometimes the systems that we rely upon and use everyday will experience such a shock that the underlying structures and interactions are changed forever. Right now we are making our way through a COVID-19 world, but we will move past COVID-19 and we cannot …

Jargon Busting: Energy Market Modelling by Joseph Collins

POSTED BY capSpire ON April 30, 2020 IN Blog

Energy Markets With the complexity of today’s Energy Markets, it’s clear to me that Genetic Algorithms, GA, are incredibly powerful yet simple tools. Their beauty is in their ease of understanding and the ability to implement. That made me think why can’t other techniques be so intuitive and easy to understand? Well, in the main, …

Experienced, Streamlined & Ready CTRM Support

POSTED BY Dana Schlagenhaft ON April 1, 2020 IN Blog, News

capSpire is relentlessly committed to ensuring client success. It’s a critical time for companies that lack internal resources in a specific CTRM platform or with infrastructure and security. Undoubtedly, as with any system, changes and issues will arise on an ongoing basis, which need to be resolved promptly. Our team is experienced, streamlined, and ready …

capSpire Officially Launches a Digital Practice

POSTED BY capSpire ON March 18, 2020 IN Blog, Digital Transformation, News

Leveraging our years of experience in the energy and commodities industries, advanced technical capabilities, and our expertise in digital technologies, capSpire’s new digital practice will better assist clients as they digitize critical functions and processes within their organizations. Our services in this area span all aspects of technology delivery and design, including digital transformation, business …

capSpire Is Recognised as a Great Place to Work®

POSTED BY Clare Annis ON February 26, 2020 IN Blog, Careers, Featured, News

We are delighted to announce that we have been officially recognised as one of the Best Workplaces in Ireland in 2020. capSpire was officially recognised the 11th Best Small Workplace in Ireland 2020, at the 18th annual Great Place to Work Best Workplaces in Ireland awards in Dublin on Wednesday 26th February 2020.  This is …

capSpire Celebrates 11 Years of Working Hard for Raving-Fan Clients

POSTED BY capSpire ON February 25, 2020 IN Blog

This year marks capSpire’s 11th anniversary. We’re extremely proud of the growth our team has achieved — from a small start-up to a global powerhouse, from a team of just a few people to now more than 100 strong, and from a handful of projects to a decade of serving well over 150 clients. However, …

How to Simplify Demand Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis

POSTED BY Bernard Wehbe ON January 10, 2020 IN Analytics, Blog, Digital Transformation

If you’re a retailer in the commodities industry, demand forecasting is critical for understanding how much product to purchase wholesale to keep inventory at optimal levels and avoid losing money. But successfully managing data from multiple sources and leveraging it so that you have the most accurate demand forecast can be challenging. You’re probably wondering: How …


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