POSTED BY capSpire | POSTED IN Analytics, Blog, Digital Transformation, News, Press Release

capSpire Launches Data Analytics Service Offering

Data Analytics

capSpire, a strategic advisory, system integration, and technology solutions firm, is pleased to launch capSpire Data Analytics.

Daily news headlines boast of plummeting oil prices and an explosion in U.S. oil production resulting in lower gas prices and happy drivers. But, the tightening energy environment also means lower prices, smaller margins, and more competition for energy companies. Energy organizations are no longer able to rely on the status-quo and must start to focus on making data-driven decisions to survive in an unpredictable market.

“The recent addition to our team of a dozen professionals seasoned in data analytics has allowed us to realize a powerful synergy between data analytics and energy. The fact that we are already delivering multiple ‘high ROI’ projects is affirmation of the heightened demand for energy specific data analytics offerings,” says capSpire CEO Lance Laubach.

The offerings will enable energy companies to utilize existing data to make better business decisions and include:

  • Analytics strategy – Business experts to help energy-focused organizations understand how to use data analytics to drive business profitability.
  • Data Engineering – Architect and develop data repositories that support analytics strategy.
  • Data Science – Data scientists to use mathematical modeling, advanced statistics, and optimization to drive better decisions.
  • Data Visualizations and Reporting – Help for organizations to select and implement visualization and analytics reporting software.
  • Analytics training – Training of internal staff on analytics strategy, tools, and systems.

“Our team uses a company’s existing data to create pictures that tell a story about the business. capSpire Data Analytics can harness that data into a powerful tool to help guide a business to making more informed strategic decisions. With our extensive experience in the energy market paired with decades of analytics and business intelligence knowledge, capSpire is well positioned to help energy organizations increase the return on existing data to optimize margins,” says capSpire co-founder Mike Scharf.

As part of the service, capSpire will walk an organization through a process to understand specific metrics that drive business profitability. After pinpointing key performance indicators and measurements, capSpire’s expert team will utilize the company’s existing data to establish measurable business metrics. The benchmarks can help a business analyze performance and ultimately optimize margins.

To learn more about capSpire’s Data Analytics service, please click here.

Join capSpire on Wednesday, March 25th in Houston for a lunch and learn event to learn how capSpire enables organizations to optimize their crude marketing and transportations network with the combination of cutting edge visualization and optimization offerings.

This event is free to attend and lunch will be provided. Space is limited so register today and encourage a colleague or two to join you. To register, click here.

About capSpire

capSpire is an organization that offers technology solutions for commodity focused organizations seen in the energy sector. With expertise in commodities trading, risk management, and complex enterprise content management, capSpire creates valuable business process and technical solutions for Fortune 500 companies.


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