POSTED BY capSpire | POSTED IN Blog, Featured

All About capSpire Operations Support, Overview: Why Us? by Dave Webb

Implementing a commodity trading and risk management (CTRM) system is just the beginning. With any system, issues will arise that need to be resolved quickly. Over time, business needs change and companies must be able to easily adapt their CTRM systems. Doing this can help to maximize an investment in a CTRM system and prolong its lifespan.

This is more challenging for companies lacking in-house CTRM expertise. Many IT professionals simply don’t have enough knowledge of CTRM systems to accomplish these tasks in the most optimal way for the system and your business.

The technical skills and expertise that you need to support your specific CTRM system are incredibly niche. There’s a huge demand for this type of expert—unfortunately, there’s just not a lot of them available around the world.

This is why I strongly recommend that energy and commodity-trading companies engage a specialized partner to help you with:
  • Maintenance of day-to-day functions, including trading, logistics, risk management, and accounting
  • Diagnostics to help companies find the root cause of issues and correct unexpected results
  • Production support
  • Steady-state development (break fix and minor enhancements)
  • Hardware and architecture maintenance
  • Ongoing system monitoring and proactive resolution of issues

Under this arrangement, companies get consistent access to the CTRM expertise they critically need, in a more cost-effective way.

Operating like a remote helpdesk on constant standby, a CTRM support partner serves as an extension of the IT team—there when needed, able to fill in knowledge and skill gaps at a moment’s notice.

Ideally, this arrangement entails a well-rounded team of resources. This decreases dependency on any single individual and provides broader perspectives, areas of specialty, and experiences to rely upon for especially complex issues.

As a result, companies can keep their systems up and running, get issues resolved quickly and correctly, and implement system enhancements that will extract the most value.

So, why capSpire?

In my view, a number of important attributes set us apart from other managed-services offerings:

  • Our team’s CTRM expertise is unparalleled. Our seasoned professionals have a collective decades of experience working with these systems—more than any other consultancy—and have worked with hundreds of commodity-trading firms around the world.
  • Not only do we have technical expertise, but we also know the business side extensively. Our team is unique for focusing exclusively on the energy and commodities industry. So we understand how our clients’ businesses work and what’s important to them. Companies appreciate that they can have an intelligent conversation with us about their challenges, rather than wasting their valuable time educating us.
  • Our teams are positioned regionally, around the world (onshore and near shore). Wherever companies have operations, in whichever time zone, chances are we have a presence.
  • We’re flexible and collaborative in our approach to working with clients.
  • We’re not just focused on issue resolution and problem prevention, but also on enablement. Instead of withholding knowledge to make ourselves look smarter, we share knowledge so that our clients’ personnel are empowered to be self-sufficient.
All of these reasons make us the right team to help you extract the most value from your CTRM system for the long term, as your business evolves, while eliminating the human barriers that keep you from reaching this goal.

Want to learn more? In upcoming blogs, we’ll explore in greater depth the other components of the capSpire support framework that strongly differentiate us: our governance, service delivery, user engagement, quality of support, and our dedication to continuous improvement.

If you have any questions about capSpire’s Operations Support, please contact me and my team at

As Managing Director of capSpire Ltd and capSpire Pty Ltd, Dave Webb is responsible for defining and implementing capSpire’s strategy across EMEA and APAC, overseeing day-to-day operations, and building on the firm’s successes outside of the Americas. Dave brings 20+ years of experience in delivering enterprise-grade technology solutions and is especially proficient in the global commodity trading, risk management, and financial services technology industries.

About capSpire

capSpire’s Operations Support team has the unique combination of system expertise and business and industry experience required to successfully troubleshoot, maintain, monitor, and enhance clients’ complex and often customized CTRM systems. To be trusted by and easily accessible to some of the world’s leading energy and commodities companies, our team is strategically located in in-demand regions around the globe. Learn about how we produce raving fans with our Better Way mentality by visiting


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