POSTED BY capSpire | POSTED IN Blog, Digital Transformation, News, Optimization, Press Release

capSpire Announces New Supply Chain Optimization Module to Help Energy Companies Maximize Margins

Supply Chain Optimization

The capSpire Optimization Platform has been expanded to include Supply Chain Optimization (SCO) modules for energy companies working with crude and natural gas liquids (NGLs): SCO for Crude and SCO for NGLs.

Supply chains are impacted by constantly moving parts, price shifts, and multiple logistics options. Manually evaluating large volumes of data and considering all the available options can be challenging. Spreadsheets are acceptable for working with slowly moving networks and for analyzing small amounts of data, but they fall short when complexity increases.

capSpire created the SCO modules in response to customers needing a more efficient, streamlined means of managing supply-chain complexities,” says Mike Scharf, capSpire co-founder. “We know that our customers are forced to quickly adapt their strategies for delivering products at the lowest possible cost and within timelines, and the SCO modules enhance their ability to do this successfully.

SCO leverages information many energy companies already possess to improve strategic and tactical decision making. The module gathers and streamlines data from multiple systems into one central location.

Once the data is collected, SCO emulates real-world complexity by representing a client’s network visually in interactive optimization models. Contract variables such as buying, selling, exchanges, locations, and volume fluctuations are addressed in the optimization models and follow industry best practices. Multi-node transportation, including pipelines, railcars, trucks, barges, and vessels—as well as multiple storage/inventory options and supply/demand variability—are all taken into consideration when devising the models.

With Supply Chain Optimization, energy companies are able to focus on the big picture and delegate finer details to the optimization models customized to their respective market segments and specific challenges. As a result, energy companies can make more informed decisions, optimize inventory levels, plan for multiple supply/demand scenarios, and increase margins.

The Supply Chain Optimization delivers the following key benefits:

Supply and Trade Optimization
  • Easily identify the most profitable supply and demand options
  • Identify market arbs and contango plays
  • Combine out-of-the-box integration with industry-leading CTRM systems 

Transport and Schedule Optimization
  • Handle a mix of logistics modes
  • Optimize multi-node transportation methods such as rail, pipeline, truck, barge, and vessel
  • Produce daily, weekly, and monthly logistics and operational schedules
  • Optimize fleets

Inventory Optimization
  • Intelligently manage inventory based on supply and demand Identify optimal safety stock levels
  • Evaluate new storage locations
  • Optimize blending scenarios 

Simulation and What-If Analysis
  • Understand changes in market conditions (supply, demand, and price)
  • Assess impacts of new assets or long-term contracts
  • Delivers what-if analysis for new contracts and transport options

For more information, please visit

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