Our solutions ensure your organization is taking the most efficient steps to minimize risk and identify market opportunities in the crude market.
capSpire recognizes this demand for speed, with which comes a need to rein in burdensome operating costs, with increased focus on improving efficiencies in all areas of the business. capSpire has the tools and expertise to help your business attain maximum ROI during these wavering times.
After decades of low output, domestic crude oil production is now surging. The increased supply has significantly reduced US dependence on crude oil imports. Proficient development of domestic resources is needed now more than ever to enhance the domestic supply-demand balance. This increased supply has meant corporations need proven expertise in production-management solutions. Here’s how capSpire can help:
- capSpire’s team of experts offer solutions for producers and producer services, including contract management, supply forecasting, lease management, logistics, settlement, DOI, and royalty distribution.
- capSpire has provided solutions for traders to have real-time information on equity volume positions, enabling you to forecast equity volumes, trade and schedule – all in one integrated solution.
- capSpire provides solutions for accurate netback pricing and full netback reporting for businesses and auditors, showing clear, transparent data to assist compliance and avoid royalty disputes. These solutions are integrated into leading CTRM technology, using data in the system and not on spreadsheets.

Supply Chain Optimization for Crude
The Supply Chain Optimization (SCO) for Crude module is a targeted solution for refiners and crude-oil-trading organizations that helps to streamline supply-chain operations and optimize profitability.
First Purchaser
It’s known that in general, first purchasers lack the necessary software
and procedures needed to maximize ROI and performance in this volatile market. First Purchasers are responsible for the initial equity transfer of ownership of crude oil, coupled with the physical removal of the crude oil from a lease for the first time. capSpire realizes the need to build efficiencies and automate the first purchaser processes has never been greater. Here’s how we can help:
- capSpire’s team of experts offer solutions for first purchasers to work more efficiently and maximize profits.
- capSpire’s Gravitate software is tailor-made to optimize your purchasing process with Lease forecasting, Quality adjustments, Robust truck ticketing system, Netback price calculations and customized run statements.
- As for producers, these solutions are integrated into leading CTRM technology, using data in the system to avoid the need for spreadsheets.

capSpire's Lease Crude Optimization
The leading solution for helping lease crude transportation and marketing organizations optimize profitability.
The Midstream sector of the oil industry has a significant economic impact on companies and countries throughout the world. Operating margins are crucial and having multiple contract options in place with processors is critical for oil and gas producers. Adopting automated processes and cutting-edge technologies help organizations gain an edge.
- capSpire implements solutions that forecast supply and volume, analyze positions, scenario modeling and accounting activity.
- We can improve speed and accuracy through automation and negotiate advanced contract options ensures your organization maximizes ROI.
- Our deep industry knowledge, proven cross-commodity capabilities and unique understanding of midstream operations are just a few of the examples of how partnering with capSpire will optimize your organization.
Supply and Trading
Domestic and global crude markets continue to be in a period of flux due to rapidly changing supply-and-demand fundamentals, changes in global trade patterns, and reduced influence by OPEC. To stay competitive, crude supply and trading organizations must be able to react faster to market changes.
- Whether you are supplying refineries or trading domestic or international crude, capSpire has the expertise and solutions to help your organization excel in today’s dynamic market.
- capSpire has enabled US domestic and global trading companies to implement commodity trading and risk management systems.
- capSpire’s supply chain optimization solution allows organizations to model their entire supply chain and quickly react to changing market conditions.
- capSpire’s Risk Management practice ensures organizations understand and evaluate risk, and implement the right processes and controls.

capSpire's Gravitate Crude Portal
The premier solution for exchanging information between Producers, First Purchasers, and Third Party Haulers
The business environment can change on a dime, due partly to volatility and logistics issues. With energy trading and risk management (CTRM) technology, refiners can find an edge over their competition. There are various processes available to the refiner, and the final processes chosen are determined by the products required and the crude oil available. Over time, changes to either product requirements or available crude oil can result in changes to the refining processes necessary in the refinery.
- capSpire allows companies acquiring or building new storage and pipeline assets to quickly ramp up these assets to their existing portfolio.
- capSpire’s supply crude optimization enables companies to benefit from advanced data analytics and business intelligence.
- Specialists in modeling complex transfer-pricing contracts between intracompany subsidiaries, from wellhead to pump.
- Experts in implementation of hedging and risk management practices for companies operating in both the domestic and international crude and freight markets.
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