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Legacy CTRM Solutions and Station Wagons

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, E/CTRM

Growing up, my dad had an old white 1980s Ford Country Squire station wagon.  Its royal-blue interior and side-facing rear seats were a symbol of middle-class, suburban bliss, built for family road trips (queue Lindsey Buckingham’s “Holiday Road”).  My dad was an independent landman, and that wagon wore out the roads between our house and …

Tulsa Energy Professional Oktoberfest Networking Mixer

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, Events, News

Brisk autumn air and football games galore can only mean one thing:  it’s time to get your Oktoberfest groove on!  All Tulsa Energy Professionals looking for a fun atmosphere to learn and share knowledge with others in the industry are invited to a networking happy hour.  Join us any time from 5-8 p.m. Thursday, October …

capSpire Partners with OpenLink to Sponsor Global Summit, Nov. 2-4, in New York City

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, E/CTRM, Events, News, RightAngle

capSpire is thrilled to partner with OpenLink as sponsor for the 2016 OpenLink Global Summit, November 2nd-4th, at the esteemed New York City Marriott Marquis.  Located in the heart of Times Square, attendees have the opportunity to explore the renowned Theater District of the greatest city in the world, as well as the fast-paced, vibrant …

Happy Holidays from capSpire

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, News

To kick off the Holiday Season, capSpire displayed kindness and goodwill by giving back to those in need. This year, the Houston team started a new tradition donating their time by volunteering at the Houston Food Bank. In that spirit of giving back this holiday, capSpire also made a donation on behalf of each client to …

Automated Broker Reconciliation for Smarter Margin Management in Allegro

POSTED BY Larry Loocke ON January 19, 2019 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

When buying marginable securities like futures and options, precise margin management is paramount.  In fact, the accuracy of your daily financial data can mean the difference in having sufficient liquidity for purchases, or having to borrow from your lenders.  How many times has your financial broker executed a margin call, only to find the statement …

capSpire Sponsors Argus Americas Crude Summit

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, E/CTRM, Events, News, Press Release

We are thrilled to kick-off 2017 by showcasing our Lease Crude Optimization platform at the Argus America’s Crude Summit January 17th-19th. Be sure to visit our booth to meet the team, and learn more about capSpire’s full range of oil-focused solutions, including The Gravitate Crude Portal. Our customer engagement platform is revolutionizing the way first …

capSpire Supports Youth Cricket Club in Sugar Land, Texas

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, Events, News

HOUSTON, Texas (February 1, 2017) – capSpire is proud to announce its Grand Gold Sponsorship in support of Sugar Land Youth Cricket Club (SLYCC). As we expand our footprint in Houston, we welcome opportunities to serve the local community, especially those fostering the value of sportsmanship and teamwork. On Sunday, January 30, the organization capped …

capSpire Announces Q1 2017 Webinar Schedule

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Blog, Events, News

TULSA, OK (February 15, 2017) – capSpire is pleased to announce its Q1 2017 webinar schedule. Created for current and prospective customers, these sessions explore the latest industry trends, uncover innovative solutions, and share best practices. The Q1 2017 webinars highlight three timely issues for customers: the latest risk management trends, optimization of inventory management, …

The 4 Principles You Must Get Right for Effective Risk Management

POSTED BY capSpire ON January 19, 2019 IN Allegro, Blog, E/CTRM

Risk management has always mattered for long-term success in the energy industry. Recent market trends of price volatility and regulatory uncertainty, along with a renewed interest in moving forward with high-profile energy projects, continue to reinforce the importance of sound risk-management principles. Regardless of external conditions, there are four principles you must get right to …


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