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Consulting at capSpire: the 1 Year Mark by Reena Samani

POSTED BY capSpire ON March 2, 2021 IN Blog, Careers

Happy work anniversary to me! Even with the woes of a global pandemic looming over our heads like the sword of Damocles, my first year at capSpire has been a great experience: Becoming a consultant. Coming from a largely functional background with some technical knowledge, I was keen on expanding my technical skills. My aspiration …

Consulting at capSpire: the 1 Year Mark by Patrick Erstine

POSTED BY capSpire ON February 22, 2021 IN Blog

Before joining capSpire, I worked at a Fortune 50-sized oil and gas corporation, where I found myself eventually craving more exciting challenges from my work. I was fortunate to find a fit for my skills at capSpire. Working here over the past year has provided me with an ambitious, fast-paced, and immensely enjoyable work experience, …

Data and Culture Change by Richard Payne

POSTED BY capSpire ON February 10, 2021 IN Blog, Digital Transformation

Technology has historically impacted society in discrete waves.  Digital has assumed such significance because this is the first time that a number of technology waves (cloud, IoT, AI, etc) have broken simultaneously and at a price point that makes enormous functionality and processing power available relatively cheaply.  In commodity assets, many producers have been at …

4 Ways Running Makes Me a Better Consultant by Joe Collins

POSTED BY capSpire ON September 10, 2020 IN Blog

Here’s a fun fact: I don’t love running.  I’ve competed in 13+ marathons, devote 5 or 6 days a week to running, and I average 6-10 miles per day. But I don’t actually enjoy it because the journey is grueling and some days it’s hard to push through. What I enjoy about running is the …

5 Leadership Lessons I Learned from COVID-19 by Dave Webb

POSTED BY capSpire ON July 30, 2020 IN Uncategorized

As many people can relate, my days at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic were focused on adapting to unprecedented business disruptions, charting a path forward for employees, and making sure clients would be served well for the foreseeable future. My first thought was for the safety and well-being of our team. Ahead of formal …

All about capSpire Operations Support, Part 5: Continuous Improvement by Patrick Elliott

POSTED BY capSpire ON June 23, 2020 IN Blog, E/CTRM, Featured

The energy and commodity industry isn’t static. After all, markets are dynamic. Regulations are continually updated. Businesses grow and evolve. Software vendors release new versions and patches. In response, support services for commodity trading and risk management systems need to be agile as well. Companies want to be sure they’re getting the best operations support …


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